
Jun 29, 2013

Crows "Severance"

Dark dark hardcore from Ireland. And eventually one of the most interesting album I've heard last year (Yeah, I know, I'm late).
Of course, the hardcore galaxy is already full of dark constellations. Lots of covers with skulls, zombies, and bloody creatures hiding psychos and paranoias screamed against powerful walls of guitars and hellish chaotic drum beats. Lots of pseudo-scary frills and flounces, on the package, on the production. Stylized violence. Or intellectualized. Too much to be sincere, or to give the right thrill, sometimes.
Severance is NOT this kind of music. Quite the contrary. Just pure hate, dirty violent self-loathing exercise made of short bursts (between 00.23 and 02.16). Recorded in the same basement they used to skin innocent victims (and even fluffy rabbits, I've heard...). Heavy riffs, simple and nasty as a crushed spine, drums running in a sonic swamp made of greasy bass (motor oil) and larsens. And the voice is real scream, not the well-trained throat ruining growl. Sounds like pain, a kind of unsane madness answering to the sick samples cutting the album in three with no anesthesia.
The lyrics, as expected, taste like a pond of spit. Special mention to Pangea. Two sentences, one metaphor (and an original one), enough to draw a nice and straight nihilistic conclusion about the indeniable void of life.
Discovered, like Comply or Die, on the Savour You Scene compilation (check here). A creepy jewel among the rest, caught the attention immediatly (« Empty rooms. Empty heads », and the unbeatable « Activism turned apathy, optimism turned hate » line).
The band manages to create a coherent and unique atmosphere for the all demo, a kind of very bastard son between some old gothic ghoul and the snotty anger of the grindcore. Don't listen to the songs like individual pieces, but rather the entire demo as one big song made of several parts.
Much more complex and subtle than you would first think. If it would be a movie, it would certainly not be one of those shitty gory-sawy-tortury bolckbustards. Ever seen the satanic rape scene in « Rosemary's Baby » ? Or « Trouble every day » ? Something like this.

The bandcamp >> download the demo for free.
The Facebook
The Tumblr >> the lyrics

Buy the tape from Sourmil or from Savour Your Scene >> classy cover, nice object, even for the non-fetishists.

Objectivity is not a crime :
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