
Oct 15, 2012

Mörse "S/T"

You can't judge a book on its cover, but can you judge a band on its name?...
If it would be the case, as “Mörse” would be the french word for “Wälrus”, you may close your eyes and mentally consider the heavy, ugly but majestic dark lord of the arctic beaches. Imagine its noble swimming among the cold waves, hear its unbearable growling under the frozen moon, smell the fumet of its thick skin shattered by the polar winds... Open your eyes, press "play" and wait for some steroids and lipids-driven sludge played by a bunch of big boys from Louisiana.
That won't happen.
Mörse comes from the north of France, and they play a quite addictive mixture of hardcore (75%), stoner (10%), punk (10%), with a twist of melody (that would left us with 5%, wouldn't it?). A more nervous than majestic, more energy- than overweight-driven, more singing than growling, and definitely more terrestrial than maritime animal. Which would justify the wolf on the cover, but don't worry, I won't go further into the metaphor to spare you an other lousy zoological evocation.
What makes this band noticeable is not their revolutionary approach of the genre(s), but rather their capacity to intricate and dose the above-cited variations to offer the listener a well-balanced cocktail of power and groove.
You got the unstoppable riffs, you got the frantic drums, you got the yelling singer and the sing-along back vocals, so what would you ask for more? A bit of exoticism? They sing in french, which would be enough for you (if you are not french, of course). Some crafted lyrics? Lucky you, as it seems that they didn't fall in the usual “I wrote the lyrics on a sheet of toilet paper 10 minutes before recording the vocals”. Cute semi-nude boys dressed as priest throwing free chocolate bars during the gigs?... well... you can't have anything, can you?

the EP (listen, download and buy)
A song that didn't make it to the EP (quite a pity, because it is really cool).
the Tumblbrlr

"If objectivity is not a crime, then laziness is not a sin" (Khalil Gibran): 
all the reviews you'd like to read are available here.